About Us
WellcoPure is a wellness solutions company that specialises in air purification and other wellness solutions.
Exclusively supported by a global network of sales, engineering and service support of the world-leading air purification companies Intellipure, WellcoPure has at its disposal the best selection of air purifiers available.
Our range of air purification units can be found here.
And our service extends beyond simply offering wellness products as we will work extensively with your company or organisation.
We can do this because we are backed by the might of Intellipure’s international team of engineers and experts to find the best solution for you.
We also can provide installation and on-going maintenance services, effectively making us a one-stop shop for your wellness and air purification needs.
WellcoPure offers a variety of payment solutions for our products and services.
Contact us to find out more.
WellcoPure’s wellness solutions, including air purification by Intellipure™, are easily implementable into the following industries in which we exclusively specialise in:
Childcare & Early Education
We focus on improving the quality of the indoor environment so that children and staff can flourish.
Primary & Secondary Schools
Like early education, children and staff of our educational institutions greatly benefit from the impact of wellness solutions.
High-Density Residential
Wellness Solutions can be easily implemented within high density residential developments for the benefit of its occupants.
Offices & Businesses
As we return to our offices and businesses, wellness solutions allow staff and customers to engage and interact with peace of mind.
This is a guide to the services we offer to our clients.